
Choosing a Retirement Date: Is the End or First of the Year Better?

There are only 24 hours of separation between the last day of the year and the first day of the new year. 不过, choosing the official calendar date of your retirement to be in one calendar year over another is not a trivial decision. The date you choose for retirement may mess with your retirement money, 可能会让你在税收上花费更多(或更少), 还可能导致你失去奖金或福利. Before you make a bad decision, here are some tips to help you figure it out.


One of the primary financial considerations is how your retirement date may affect your tax situation. Retiring at the end of the year may allow you to spread your income over two tax years, potentially resulting in lower taxes in your first year of retirement. 然而, 这取决于你具体的收入来源, 比如养老金, 社会保障, 退休账户提款. Consult a tax professional to decide on a tax strategy for your situation.

Some employers offer year-end bonuses, annual raises, or other benefits. 如果你的雇主提供这样的激励, retiring at the end of the year may allow you to take advantage of them before leaving your job.


如果你的雇主提供健康保险, consider the timing of your retirement in relation to your health insurance coverage. Many employers' health plans run on a calendar year basis, so retiring at the beginning of the year may provide you with coverage until the end of that year. 然而, investigate any specific rules regarding retiree health benefits from your employer.


Some people prefer to retire at the beginning of the year to coincide with the holiday season or to take advantage of unused vacation days.
为退休做好准备. Do you have all your financial and personal affairs in order? The end of the year might give you more time to prepare for the transition, 但这也可能导致拖延症. Also, you may not want to focus on paperwork when you are celebrating the holidays.


Your 社会保障 benefits are calculated based on your highest 35 years of earnings, 经通货膨胀调整.1 If your earnings for the current year are lower than previous years due to early retirement, consider waiting until the end of the year for potentially better 社会保障 Income (SSI). Have a financial professional run the numbers for SSI.

如果你有养老金计划的话, check with your employer or pension administrator to understand how your retirement date affects your pension benefits.


Assess your retirement savings and investment accounts to put a clear financial plan in place. Consider how your retirement date may impact your withdrawal strategy and income needs in retirement.

最终, the decision to retire at the end or the beginning of the year should align with your personal and financial goals. It's crucial to assess your circumstances thoroughly, 如有需要,请咨询财务专家, and carefully weigh the pros and cons of each timing option. 不管你选择的具体日期, proper retirement planning and preparation are key to a successful and fulfilling retirement. 要求免费咨询, either in-person or virtual with a Financial Advisor at 元素财富管理.



The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and 不 intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

This information is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized tax advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific tax issues with a qualified tax advisor.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.



  1. Maximum 社会保障 Benefit: What Is It, How Is It Figured?

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